Goodbye 2016

Saturday 31st December 2016

Last post of 2016! So I'm writing this en route to my best friend’s flat in London for NYE! I've never been too fussed about NYE, I guess I was only bothered back in 2012… It  was the first time I had a boyfriend over the Xmas/NY period and I was happy to get my first NY kiss from a boyfriend rather than one of my friends (sorry, Lauren!). As the years have gone by I've cared less and less about NY but it gave me a good excuse to travel up and see my best friend. I probably shouldn't be writing this as I get really badly travel sick… Oops!

So 2016. There's been so much that's happened; a lot of change and, sadly, a lot of deaths. Lots of people I admire have passed away this year, but I was most devastated by Alan Rickman’s passing. He's an actor I've admired and been inspired by since I first saw him in Harry Potter. He portrayed Severus Snape so well and there's no one who could have played the part anywhere near as well as he did. The second was Carrie Fisher. My thoughts were with her and her family when I heard she had had a heart attack during her flight and was heartbroken when I found out she'd passed away. Carrie Fisher was incredible; she was an unapologetic beautiful, inspirational badass who is the definition of a female role model.

Moving on before I start crying on the train… My fellow passengers already think I'm a bit odd because I accidentally snorted when I sat down (who does that?!). My year has been pretty awesome actually. Here's my highlights:

- Graduated from university with a 2:1 in English Literature.
- Been to the theatre LOADS
- Explored the Midlands
- Got a proper job!

My theatre trips this year have been amazing, my favourites being Aladdin and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I've also seen:
- Jane Wenham: Witch of Walken
- Red Velvet
- Sunset Boulevard
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Mrs Henderson Presents
- Bernadette Peters
- Doctor Faustus
- Funny Girl
- Disney Broadway Hits
- Jurassic Park in Concert
- Aladdin
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

My new job is going really well; I've finally found somewhere I feel comfortable, and though it'll take some time before I'm fully grounded, I've definitely found my feet. I love the job, the school, my colleagues, it's all a wonderful package! I've worked out what career path I want and the ways I can go about achieving it. Being a teacher is what I want to do but I want to do my Masters before I consider doing my PGCE. There's a long way to go, but I'm beyond happy to finally being on the way to achieving my career goal!

I've written a blog post about my holiday and what I've learnt from my degree, so all that's left of this post is for me to wish you guys a happy New Year!

Lots of love xx


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